Monday, March 22, 2010

Prelude to a Revolution

They say History repeats itself...

THIS DAY March 22, 1765 the British Parliment passed the Stamp Act, imposing an oppressive, direct tax against the American Colonies. They did it to offset the costs of the military endeavor of the King in the colonies.

Wicked offense was taken by the colonists, that taxation from the Crown was directly imposed on the people - not in order to simply provide a loose regulatory structure for commerce - but to raise money for the Crown, for something the People didn't want, didn't need, & certainly did not wish to pay for.

Some colonists fell to despair, believing that they had no recourse. But by May 30th of the same year, 4 of Patrick Henry's Stamp Act Resolutions were passed:

1) Demanding their rights as citizens be preserved, and
2) Insisting the people's voices against oppressive taxation be heard & acknowledged, lest their 'ancient constitution' be obliterated.

This courageous 'sedition' led to the Stamp Act's repeal on March 18th, 1766, less than a year later.

Oppression must seek the bursting of Springtime. And it can be fought. And it can be defeated. Will we cower & fall into despair, as some colonists did? Thank God they didn't. And thank God we have their same fighting spirit within us. Will we remember? Will we call upon it?

If not now, never.
We are in this place 'for such a time as this.'
Do not discount your efforts.
This is our time.
It is our imperative, toward our posterity.
We have received our calling.
Join me.


Unknown said...

Like I said, it ain't over dude. 37+ states AG's man. We gots this.

Anonymous said...

I stand with Pitbull. There is a huge revolt brewing and it ain't quite the urban-thuggery slam-dunk oblama thought it was gonna be. The difference between our revolt and, say, the city-burning riots that would have ensued had the bill been voted down, is that our moves going forward will be legal, logical and American. Freedom, as long as we are willing to fight for it, is forever. Obama and his socialists have 2 more years.

ExPatMatt said...

Right-Wing Libertarian,

Are you suggesting that people would have burnt cities down if the bill hadn't been voted in?

Any evidence that that would have been the case?


Unknown said...

I can say this in my experience, Expat; the police on the east side of San Antonio were riot ready in case Obama lost the election. So I don't consider it a far cry that there would have been rioting among the uninformed and shills for the president. I'm sure the SEIU and ACORN could have drummed up trouble.

BetteJo said...

Oh I am not giving up. Not by a long shot. There are too many good people out there who have worked too hard to give up now. For some reason those silly politicians think we won't remember in November but I can guarantee you I will. Today I donated money to HuckPac - Mike Huckabee is supporting conservative candidates across the country. In the end - we will work for a repeal if need be. I have never seen a greater example of taxation without representation in my life. This cannot stand.

Susannah said...

Bluepit & RWL~ Held my head up, squared my shoulders today. Thought of you; you & RWL. Man, o man are you guys cool!

Matt~ I'll admit, I hadn't thought of it that way, but in the Chicago inner's not out of the realm of possibility.

BettJo!! Atta girl! I like your style. I'm with you - not going down without a fight. And certainly not quietly.

God help us.

BetteJo said...

Oh - and one of the other blog ladies says she is going to start a writing campaign to every legislator who voted NO - a thank you campaign! I sent my first thank you to John Boehner tonight. I want them to know people out here appreciate their support - and to let them know we don't want the fight to stop.

Z said...

I was thinking of that adage about those not remembering history are doomed to repeat it or something?

..and how our young people don't KNOW their history, for the most part...I guess the coming revolution will be all new to them, huh :-)
Too bad they weren't taught FREEDOM by leftwing teachers, we might have avoided all of this...? xxx

I like BetteJo's idea to write thank yous....nice

It Just Doesn't Make Any Sense said...

Meet me at the polls in November. Vote each and every one of these sob's out, including the wafflers on both sides. Install a filibuster proof majority in both houses, defend and dismantle this crap and begin impeachment preceding the day after the election. That is what we do.

Dan Trabue said...

Interesting. I've happened upon here by accident and I find the frustration and anger interesting.

I am glad to hear that most (if not all) here appear to be wanting to protest legally - that you want to seek change through the ballot box, I fully support your quest to seek change this way.

I certainly did during the Bush years.

I'm wondering, will you continue to legally and peacefully seek change through the ballot box and through writing letters, etc if you lose (or don't win sufficiently) this November? Or in Nov 2012?

I hope so.

In the meantime, peace and blessings upon you all.

Dan Trabue said...

Someone said...

I have never seen a greater example of taxation without representation in my life. This cannot stand.

Do you really think this? Did you not have an elected representative in DC this year? Of course, you did.

As did I all during the Bush years when vote after vote and policy after policy went the "wrong way" (in my opinion). I certainly felt that I had no representation and, in a sense, I didn't - I've never had anyone in DC who fully represented my views.

But then, none of us do, do we? No representative ever votes every issue like we want. We're not promised perfect representation of our will in this great Republic, just the chance to vote for representatives and otherwise strive to influence our policies.

For the record, I'm rather indifferent - leaning towards opposing this particular health bill. But it's not the end of the world. Our representatives - flawed though they are - are not intent on destroying this country. They have children and grandchildren, too.

They've passed a bill that, like most others, is flawed in many ways. We'll survive, life goes on. This is not socialism, nor is it fascism, nor is it the end of our country.

Life goes on, friends. Right?

Susannah said...

Hi Dan & welcome. Glad you found us, if even by accident.

Frustration & anger interesting? How so?

I assume your unspoken, veiled reference to the MSM moniker of tea party 'violence': "will you continue to legally and peacefully seek change through the ballot box and through writing letters, etc if you lose?" is tongue-in-cheek.

What? Did you think we'd be frothing @ the mouth w/ pitchforks in hand, hocking up quids to spit @ congressmen who foment ire by traipsing gaily through angry crowds on their way to pull the sinister lever? Did you think we'd all be backwoods rednecks or hayseed homophobes who can't think their way out of a bale of pine straw?

No. We're reasoned, thoughtful, passionate people who are ticked as @#$## that 219 people have crammed this socialist garbage down our throats, knowing that we don't want it - OVERWHELMINGLY don't want it - have told the people to whom we entrusted our voices that we don't want it, and are being completely ignored. 219 vs. 200 MILLION!!! What the @#$%%??

I apologize. It's vapid attitudes like yours ("rather indifferent") that I find absolutely astounding. Our Constitution is being ravaged, our nation is being neutered without anesthesia, & folks like you - Dan - are "rather indifferent."

I suppose I find that interesting.

Like I said Dan, welcome. I hope you'll stick around. Dare ya.

Dan Trabue said...

Glad to stick around, thanks for the invitation.

I'm sorry if my opinion seems vapid to you. I am a reasonably intelligent fella who does not hold strong opinions on every possible notion. In general, I think there are problems with our current system of health care and I think there are problems with this new law of the land.

I hope that does not seem too vapid ("lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force") to you, but if so, well, I only have so much time in the day to devote energy to researching and holding opinions. It would be nice to have more time to be more informed and have even stronger opinions on even more issues, but in this world where I have to work and take care of my family and devote time to my church and community, well, that only leaves so much time left over.

I don't think I'm that unusual in that respect, but then maybe you think most people are vapid?

I don't see how our Constitution is being ravaged, perhaps if you would offer some less vitriolic rationalization for your case, you might win over more vapid folk such as myself.

As it is, when I see people who come across as close to frothing (and calling Obama and some half of the US "commies" and suggesting he/they wish to destroy the US and the Constitution, well, it does come across as a bit over-emotional and frothy, at least to this vapid fella) well, I am less inclined to take their opinions seriously.

In other words, I probably (maybe) would have taken a stronger stand against this legislation if it weren't for its opponents, who seem SO unreasonable and high strung. I hope that makes sense and isn't taken the wrong way.

Just constructive criticism.

So, perhaps you could give some thoughtful explanation of what you mean when you suggest that this legislation does harm to our Constitution? A Five Point analysis, perhaps?

Like... "This legislation is problematic from a Constitutional point of view because...


Something like that would probably come closer to winning the vapid over to your side rather than this yelling about the End of the US as we know it approach.

Susannah said...

Dan, friend, we've just met. There's no reason to think you'd have felt compelled to read archives here. But if you did, you'd see - over time - the great effort I put into remaining as reasonable as I can, even with hostile, angry, bitter visitors (present company excluded).

You're correct. There are those whose approach to discussion takes on a wildness, as to dissuade an audience from 'taking them seriously.' I'm not one of those, as a rule. (Anyone care to vouch for me? Save our friend Dan the trouble of scouring archives?)

However, my precious husband tells me (as only he can) that sometimes I get a bit overwrought & that I should, well, cool it. So your point is taken.

So first impressions, in this case, do not tell all.

Here's the deal Dan: I AM overwrought about this situation. I AM emotional about it (can't help that the Lord created me a passionate soul), but I do NOT believe 'overly emotional.'

I'm not a Constitutional scholar, & I've had Easter company all day yesterday & into the night (you know, that 'taking care of family' thing) the 5 point analysis you're hoping for will have to wait.

Just know this: Our country IS at stake. The Republic that we've enjoyed our whole lives IS at issue here -- and I don't get people whose attitude is so blase, nonchalant, vapid about a Federal gov't that's dictating the minutia of our lives. It's just wrong. It's what we fought against in the founding of this great nation.

I don't doubt you're an intelligent guy. I've read your comments elsewhere. What I've noticed is that you tend to analyze until perhaps the big picture is obscured. (Maybe extracting emotion in order to maintain ever-precious objectivity??)

Isn't it feasible that it's what you're doing with this issue?

My friend, the time is now to take a step back from gritty teasing through the mess, & see a bigger picture. The time is now to allow a bit of emotion to surface. If we love our country - & I assume you do - it's time to reclaim it for our 'posterity.'

And it takes some passion to do that.

Or have we been sons & daughters of freedom so long that we don't even see, don't even know what we're losing?? I suppose that'll take some thought.

Glad you stuck around.

Dan Trabue said...

Susannah said...

Just know this: Our country IS at stake. The Republic that we've enjoyed our whole lives IS at issue here -- and I don't get people whose attitude is so blase, nonchalant, vapid about a Federal gov't that's dictating the minutia of our lives.

I believe that YOU and some others FEEL LIKE our country is at stake. The problem is, I see no real world, rational reasons to think this. Unless and until you could explain rationally what makes you so overwrought about the topic, I can't justify agreeing with you.

Susannah said...

Dan, if you'll take the time to read Daniel Henninger's column entitled "Would the Founders Love Obamacare?" (& I believe you will), you'll find that he describes in broad strokes many of the threats to our Republic quite nicely. Dismiss him if you must, in order to preserve your hallowed Leftism, but he is a very well-respected, even-tempered (i.e., unfrothing, completely 'rational'), true journalist. In this piece, he also encapsulates the condescending, elitist response to the fears, with which your comments are also tinged.

Dan Trabue said...

Susannah, I would point to your own words...

And it can be fought. And it can be defeated. Will we cower & fall into despair, as some colonists did? Thank God they didn't. And thank God we have their same fighting spirit within us.

Your post "PRELUDE TO A REVOLUTION" references the colonists WHO TOOK ARMS against their gov't with a "fighting spirit."

Do you not see how it SOUNDS LIKE you're hinting at armed rebellion.

Susannah said...

As I said @ your blog post "Lord Have Mercy":

"Thank God in heaven for the fighting spirit of our forefathers. Without them, we would all still be paying taxes to the motherland. Instead, they FOUGHT a controversial, horrible, bloody war - because they believed there were some things worth fighting for: our God given right to freedom being the most important. (Thanks be to God they weren't all Quakers!) All pacifism aside, Dan, there are some things worth waging war over (see Revelation 12: the armies of Heaven itself wage WAR over our salvation from the Evil one.)

"Ever read Born Fighting, by the good VA Democrat, Jim Webb? VERY enlightening.

"And it can be fought. And it can be defeated. Will we cower & fall into despair, as some colonists did? Thank God they didn't. And thank God we have their same fighting spirit within us."

So much for nuanced understanding... If it sounds to you like I'm calling for violence, then you'll to find it anywhere, Dan.

My post serves as a reminder - as does Jim Webb's book - that we come from independent-minded, tenacious people, & we'd do well to dig deep & remember those from whence we come.

Dan Trabue said...

So, when you reference the Revolution in which people took up arms against their gov't and say, "thank God we have their same fighting spirit within us," what are you suggesting you need a fighting spirit for? What are you calling for?

Legal, logical and American dissent?

God bless you, go for it. I fully support that.

However, back when I was calling for Revolution during the Bush years, I was always quite clear to say PEACEFUL revolution, standing up against our awful policies peacefully and non-violently. Given the recent history of some on the Right embracing violence, I would think it would be even more important for you to state such with clarity and force.

Given that some on your side are saying things like "it's time for armed revolt" (here)

Or, "I hate saying this and I dread the consequences of this line thought, but it seems improbable -- to say the least -- that defeating the collectivist stealth radicals in their attempts to tear down this country and its core, founding values may require more than the tools available to us in the normal course of politics..."

on a discussion of armed rebellion here

... for instance, I'd suggest that it would be worth your while to make it clear.

Just a thought.

Susannah said...

I am calling for American people to WAKE UP from their fat, happy, lazy, selfish slumber & realize what's at stake.

I speak in euphemism & metaphor when I say Revolution. I call upon our collective memory of the place from whence we come - those people's drive, their independence, their willingness to FIGHT (i.e., NOT GIVE UP or give in). We have forgotten who we are.

We have lived, I say again, as sons & daughters of freedom for so long that we have forgotten what it is not to have it.

I am responsible for my words, nobody else's, no matter what links you place @ my site. (You must go in search of these people...Building your case?)

Dan Trabue said...

I am glad to hear that you don't mean armed rebellion as some on your side seem to be suggesting. And so, I return to my initial comments...

I am glad to hear that most (if not all) here appear to be wanting to protest legally - that you want to seek change through the ballot box, I fully support your quest to seek change this way.
