Why is it that recent 'Occupy' assemblies are being hailed with such respect & journalistic seriousness, lending them the legitimacy of the "Arab Spring." While...in a parallel galaxy, far, far away, 'Tea party' assemblies were & are lambasted, ridiculed, maligned, besmirched by all manner of media & high profile politicians alike.

Freedom of speech & freedom of assembly, indeed.
(Hmmm...I think I smell a rat...)
Ha, I think you are onto something here Susannah.
How the left views an event is simply based on which way the wind is blowing.
Hi Slamd! Hope you're doing well~ You said it! We Tea Partiers were (& still are) called all manner of nasty names -- just ask Maddow & friends. But these people, NO! They're legitimate...they're exercising their 1st Amendmt. rights! The President even said so!! Oh --- but what did he say about Tea Partiers doing exactly THAT?? Hmmm?? The phrase 'angry mob' comes to mind...among others.
*Give me a break*
Maybe we should send a couple of little terriers to rat them out!
BUCK!! A terrier'll sniff 'em out in two shakes of a lamb's tail...Esp one of those little rat terriers! ;)
Btw, y'all, I just updated this post w/ a great cartoon I found on Twitter... ;)
"just ask Maddow & friends."
Got any actual examples?
"The phrase 'angry mob' comes to mind...among others."
Can you provide a link for that?
Jim, Jim~ This is too easy, my friend. I'm surprised at you...
I don't have time to actually post links, so addresses will have to do. All these in about 30 seconds, via Youtube. You'll probably say, "Ms. Maddow was only reporting..." You & I know fully well that 'teaba--er' is NOT a legitimate descriptor. It's a lurid sexual epithet intended to belittle, besmirch, tear down the legitimacy of the people who were/are only doing EXACTLY what the 'occupy' people are...oh -- except for the drugs, arrests by the 100's, defacating on police cars, public copulation, littering, etc., etc., etc.
You're probably right. It probably is a moral equivalent...NOT.
FUnny, Susannah, I only heard compliments for the Tea Partiers from Ms Maddow, didn't you? :-)
Re "Mobs"...
Gad, what's that expression? Like shooting apples in a barrel?
Z, darling!! I think it's something about "fish in a barrel," but apples works too - if you're bobbing...!
And speaking of bobbing (or not) - the ONLY claim of bodily fluids came from a congressman who paraded himself right through the middle of the Tea Party group (when he could/should have 'gone around' to get where he was going - clearly setting up a provocation). When he didn't get one, he LIED about having been spat upon. Eyewitnesses to the account repudiate his claim...
Yes indeed. Mobs frothing @ the mouth...
SO glad to see you here, Z!
As a commenter on the first video wrote:
"The teabaggers started calling themselves that before they found out what the term meant...so, they should blame it on themselves."
She noted how they carried signs that said "Teabag Obama."
Yeah, they started it and it's just too bad that they are offended because many people find it hilarious that they did.
Any other nasty names besides the one they were calling themselves?
And I'm waiting for the video of President Obama referring to the Tea Party as an "angry mob", Z's lame attempt not withstanding.
It sure makes me go Humm.
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