Monday, October 20, 2008

A privilege to pray.

This Monday seems fresh & new with possibility. The morning greeted me with the "Women of privilege" notion that we explored a few weeks ago. Not long after came my friend introducing the "Big Ben Silent Minute" idea. There seems to be a thread forming - a thread of intentional prayer.

Trouble is, sometimes I’m not sure what to pray. It’s probably those times that I should just be quiet & listen. (Do you think?) Other times, I need words; I need to articulate my thoughts. It was one of those times – when God knew my need to be expressive – that the following prayer came to me. I am extremely grateful for these words, and my prayer is that they will be a blessing to you today.

Oh, Christ Jesus. We thank you & praise you for the tremendous blessings in our lives, in our churches, in our country. We have been given so much; our cups overflow. Thank you, thank you God.

And still we know that there are places in our world where cups are empty; where sickness overpowers health, where your children have lost the dignity of shelter. God, we know that there are places in our world where fear grips stronger than freedom, and news of your Grace is scarce.

Lord, God, with all that we have, help us to remember who we are. Help us to remember that we are to be your mercy - to help fill empty cups. We are to represent your healing - giving aid where we can. We are to be builders of community, opening doors for those who’ve been shut out. Help us, oh God, to remember who we are, so that where there is fear, we will stand in Your strength before it; and where there is no message of your Grace, we will be the bearers of good & refreshing news.

Thank you for the privilege of being your children. Help us to remember, so that your blessings to us become blessings to your world. Let it be so, in Your holy name.


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