We've been back several days now & have hit the ground running: getting school supplies-school starts Tues., wading through mounds of laundry, catching up on snail mail, email, bills...
But this pic. shows where my mind is still...(yes, these are our feet)
Somehow, I've managed to get to a few of your blogs to catch up on reading/commenting, but this is my first shake @ writing something new here.
As my title describes, we were in Jamaica. Wow. This vacation was all my husband's idea, all his research/booking, & all his planning. (He even secretly arranged for the resort to deliver a cake to our room on my birthday!) We left with new, matching luggage, & arrived with hearts full of hope for what the week would hold... I don't mean to prattle on, but when you've got a man like this, it's hard not to!! ;)
There's now enough fuel in our tanks to last us until next time - which, with 3 kids, may be a while...
Here are a few of our pics...
There's now enough fuel in our tanks to last us until next time - which, with 3 kids, may be a while...
Here are a few of our pics...
View of the water @ 5:45 am - taken by Mr. Susannah, while I was still in dreamland.
...when I sneaked up behind Mr. Susannah; looking off our balcony, out on the Caribbean Sea.
The rainbow which appeared on Monday or Tues., after a stiff storm blew through. I don't know if I've ever been as struck by the closeness of God's hand in a rainbow!
Wonderful...fabulous trip! One could write forever about the beauty of the place, the richness of its people, the relaxation, fun, etc.
But if there's one phrase which captures my experience there? It's something I saw on a young woman's t-shirt @ our resort. I'd love to have a shirt just like it, but for now, I'll just enjoy the phrase:
Wonderful...fabulous trip! One could write forever about the beauty of the place, the richness of its people, the relaxation, fun, etc.
But if there's one phrase which captures my experience there? It's something I saw on a young woman's t-shirt @ our resort. I'd love to have a shirt just like it, but for now, I'll just enjoy the phrase:
"My Husband Rocks!"
Well I'll say he does! Glad you had a wonderful time. You might just have to zero out your reader if that's what you use. Save yourself the anxiety and start fresh!
Looks like a fantastic trip! Wondered why we didnt' see you this morning - since we finally made it back after our vacay!
Happy to see that you had a good time. What a great husband you have!
Good to have you back, and I'm glad you had a good time.
Your husband rocks because you're so (pardon me for sounding archaic) cool.
Your husband doesn't rock, he RAWKS!!! What a sweet thoughtful awesome loving surprise! And it couldn't have happened to a nicer woman.
BetteJo! Start fresh...has a nice ring to it!
RLR~ Thanks, gal. We just couldn't pull it together by Sun. am. See y'all next week!
Bluepit! Thanks for the well wishes. Yep; he's a right dandy fella!
Joe~ Thanks, sweet man! Trust me, though, he has ALWAYS been cooler than me! ;)
Red~ he RAWKS! I love it! And you are very dear to say such a nice thing to me!! ;)
School starts tomorrow...I feel like I haven't sat down since we de-planed on Wed night...ugh! I'll be glad for a little time to myself. Whew.
Sounds like a great week. No matter how much we love our kids, it is good to get away once in a while, just the two of you. It does lots to rev up the engines again.
Marvelous pictures and so good to hear you guys had such a great time!!
he'd HAVE to to deserve you! xxx
Now see, Z, that's just the kind of thing a gal like you would say!
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