Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Musical Interlude...

Hi friends~
I'm writing little snippets in other places, thus today's post.

I was inspired by Z's blog a few days ago. So Z, this is for you, sweet one!

Jesus loves us, this we know.


Joe said...

Scott Krippayne...one of my favorites!

Z said...

Susannah...unbelievable. This Sunday at church, our young pastor had us sing "Jesus Loves me, this I know" in church, and I have to admit my private thoughts were "Oh, brother...this children's song? in the middle of his sermon? I felt it was a little silly, I have to admit! (I hate to admit such cynicism!)

Then YOU write "Jesus loves us, this we know." on this blog for me...TODAY, of ALL DAYS, just after that experience in church!? So, while I KNOW this truth, I've really not felt it lately and I thank you for giving me this miracle which reminds me...
As for the amazing video song, I'm going to try to get the music and maybe sing it in church, they're always asking me to do something, this might be just the one, I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
Thanks VERY VERY much for this kindness and inspiration and how you let God have His way through you to reinforce this Truth to me and, I hope, others reading this. The words were so appropriate in my situation (and, in so many of your other readers' lives, I'm sure)that it might take me six months to be able to sing it, I have to admit. THANK YOU, dear Susannah. xxx

Susannah said...

Joe~ Great isn't he, Scott K.? I will admit, this is the only song I know by him. But it impacted me so, I've always remembered it.

Z~ Our God is so Big, so Real & closer than our next breath...'unbelievable' indeed. Thank you for sharing your encounter w/ the Holy Spirit!

A similar thing happened to me this past Sunday. Writing about it is one of the "little snippets" I'm working on...(that & a short story). Hopefully it will be ready to post in the coming days.

Thank you SO much for your encouragement, your perseverance & your faith. The way you stand by your convictions is inspiring. I would LOVE to hear you sing this song. Maybe when you get it ready, you can post it like you did that other piece???