Their June 12th post tells the story of a "fresh groom named Aharon Karov, sent to the frontlines of the Gaza war in 2008* a day after his wedding. He was critically injured by a bomb blast during the first days of the war...'The injuries were very bad, but in the end there was no injury to the brain,'...Today Aharon is healthy and his recovery has been hailed as nothing short of miraculous, especially in light of early predictions he would not survive at all."
For most of us, war is an utterly remote concept about which we fancifully form opinions - sometimes based on the whims of pop culture. We have no idea what it's like living your life in a daily battle for the very ground under your feet. Young Mr. & Mrs. Karov do, & I stand with them.
May God bless & keep the people of Israel.
May God bless & keep the people of Israel.
*Original post read "2006," which is a typo, as the Gaza war was a 3 week conflict which began-ended in 2008.
Very moving video! Thanks for sharing.
I'm so glad he'll be okay...what a lovely couple. May their marriage be a metaphor for Israel; starting new, getting beaten up but surviving, and GREAT SUCCESS for the future.
but I'm confused; the engagement was in 2008, according to the video, but the Gaza situation he fought in happened a day after his marriage in 2006?
Duta~ I thought you'd like this. ;)
Z~ I LOVE what you've said here, & I'm with you! I did a little checking, the Gaza War was a 3 week conflict in 2008. I assume that the video is correct, & the text that was posted w/ it was a typo. I've adjusted the post to reflect my assumption! Thank you for catching that~ love ya!
thanks, S...didn't mean to challenge your post, just curious..I think you're probably right on the dates xxx
Z, no problem. I'm glad you caught it - gave me a chance to learn more...
Great post,it was very moving indeed thank you.
Greetings from Southern California
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BTW, Great video!
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